Monday, April 27, 2009

Going Green

Did you know that over 380 billion plastic bags are consumed in the US each year? Plastic bags don't biodegrade, they photodegrade - breaking down into smaller and smaller toxic bits contaminating soil and waterways and entering the food web when animals accidentally ingest.

A cheap and simple way to make your life a little greener is buying reusable grocery bags. Last winter, I bought some reusable bags at my grocery store and try to use them every time I go. They're usually about a dollar a piece and are very durable. Ours are big enough to only need four, even on our "restocking the pantry" days. Yes, I felt a little silly the first time I went into the store with my own bags, but now I'm very proud to set them on the counter and say "I brought my own." I don't always remember to bring them and that serves as a reminder of how wasteful plastic grocery bags are. Even if you do forget, you can stash those plastic bags in your reusable ones and take them back to the store on your next trip or find uses for them throughout the house. Most stores have a recycling bin for their plastic bags right beside the entrance.

You don't have to do a lot to make the world a little cleaner. Go here: for more info on how you can make a difference.

1 comment:

  1. I have a ton of uses for plastic bags, but I got a free reusable one this weekend while I was in Florida. I'm excited about using it for the first time!
